Last few weeks I have noticed …

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Last few weeks I have noticed lot of enquiries about accommodation from SL community planning to move to Adelaide. I beleive it may worth to share my thoughts about finding accommodation…

# Finding a accommodation via Real Estste is sometimes bit difficult. They have prepared check list to find a suitable tenant. If you travel from SL & don’t have genuine rental history in here that will be a minus point. Also you have to sign for a at least 6 months minimum lease period. Also you may need bit more savings for paying bond etc.

# Sometimes people renting a property their own & seperatly rent rooms in the rental property for others. If you select this type of accommodation make sure you sign leagal contract between both parties & clearly understand the conditions of the contract.

# Also some owners rent rooms in their residential or investment property. . If you select this type of accommodation make sure you sign leagal contract between both parties & clearly understand the conditions of the contract.

# Also be aware that there are lot of scammers in the social media hence never pay any money to anyone in advance before you physically visit the place & refer the rental documents.

# My recommendation will be trying to find a good accommodation via trusted friend/relative who lives in Adelaide & who knows the area.

Other than very few most of the SL community in Adelaide are kind hearted & help students/migrants genuinely. Vise versa who gains assistance from Adelaide SL community also needs to be honest & genuine…

All the best & please keep in mind these are only my thoughts & it’s upto you to refer the details or not..If anyone interested I only can assist introducing genuine personnel living in Adelaide & who can assist finding accommodation. Please PM me if required…. 🙂

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